Helping You Succeed in the Australian Property Market
From 1 July 2013, a $10,000 First Home Owner Grant (FHOG) is available when you buy or build your first new home. Your home can be a house, townhouse, apartment, unit or similar, but it must be valued at $750,000 or less and be the first sale of the property as residential premises. It cannot be an investment property or a holiday house.
The FHOG may be paid in addition to other exemptions or concessions for eligible homebuyers, including pensioners. If applicable, refer to our information for FHOG amounts available prior to 1 July 2013.
The timing of your FHOG payment depends on the contract you sign to buy/build your new home, and whether you lodge your application directly with us or via an approved agent
Check Availability
Checking your eligibility is your first step in the FHOG application process.
Your answers to seven checklist questions on the Application for First Home Owner Grant (FHOG-Form-02) will determine your eligibility to receive the $10,000.
You are not entitled to the FHOG if you (or your spouse/partner) have previously:
- Received a first-home owner grant in Australia,
- Owned a home in Australia, either jointly or separately, prior to 1 July 2000,
- Occupied, for a continuous period of at least six months, a home in which either of you acquired a relevant interest on or after 1 July 2000 in Australia
Additionally, to receive the FHOG at least one applicant must:
- Intend to live in the home as their principal place of residence (PPR) for at least 12 continuous months, commencing within 12 months of settlement or completion of construction,
- Be aged 18 or over (discretionary),
- Be an Australian citizen or permanent resident
New Zealanders holding a special category visa under s32 of the Migration Act 1958 and anyone holding a permanent visa under s30(1) are considered to be a permanent resident for these purposes.
Full FHOG eligibility criteria are outlined in the application form and our lodgement guide. Penalties and interest will apply if you receive the FHOG when you are not entitled to it.
Gather supporting evidence
If lodging with an approved agent, each applicant and their spouse/partner must provide a copy of a current primary identity document and evidence of citizenship or permanent residency (a Category 1 document).
If lodging directly with us, each applicant and their spouse/partner must provide a copy of a current document from each of the four categories (i.e. four documents per person). A single document cannot be used for more than one category.
Category 1
A copy of a current primary identity document and evidence of citizenship or permanent residency (provide one document).
If you are an Australian citizen:
- Australian birth certificate issued by Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages,
- Australian passport, or
- Citizenship certificate
If you are a citizen of another country:
- Passport, and
- Evidence of permanent residency or permanent residence visa
At least one applicant must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident at the date of settlement or completion of construction.
A New Zealand citizen:
- Current passport
New Zealand citizens must be living in Australia upon completion of the eligible transaction.
Category 2
Evidence (photo and signature) of link between identity and person (provide one document).
A copy of current:
- Australian driver’s licence
- Passport
- Firearms licence
- Proof of age issued by Consumer Affairs (photo ID card)
Category 3
Evidence that each applicant and their spouse/partner reside in Australia (provide one document).
A copy of current:
- Medicare card
- Motor vehicle registration
- Centrelink or Department of Veterans’ Affairs card
Category 4
Evidence of each applicant and their spouse/partner’s current residential address (provide one document).
A copy of:
- Utility documents (e.g. bills for electricity, gas, water)
- Building or contents Insurance policy
- Rates notice
- Mortgage papers (for the property for which you are claiming the FHOG)
- Electoral enrolment card
- Lease or tenancy agreement
- Work notice/reports/reference
- Taxation notice of assessment
Additional supporting evidence
Additional supporting evidence is required if any of the following applies to you:
- Married (a copy of your marriage certificate)
- Divorced (a copy of your divorce certificate)
- Widowed (a copy of the death certificate of your spouse/partner)
- Separated (a statutory declaration with the following information):
- the name of your former spouse/partner
- former spouse/partner’s date of birth
- the date you were married or commenced your domestic relationship
- the date you separated or your former spouse/partner’s current address (if known)
- a statement to the effect that you do not live together and have no intention of resuming cohabitation
Evidence of change of name is required if the name on any of the documents presented is different to the name of the applicant (e.g. change of name certificate, statutory declaration).
Complete the application
Each applicant should read the lodgement guide and form before completing and submitting their FHOG application.
The Application for First Home Owner Grant (FHOG-Form-02) can be completed:
- On screen, printed and signed, or
- Downloaded, printed, completed and signed
Either way, the form must be signed before it is lodged. If you are completing this notice by hand, please use block letters in blue or black ballpoint pen.
Lodge the application
If you are applying for the FHOG through an approved agent, they will lodge the application form on your behalf (after you have had it signed and witnessed).
If you are applying for the FHOG through us, the application and all supporting documents can be mailed to:
State Revenue Office
GPO Box 1641
VIC 3001
State Revenue Office
DX 260090
The application must be lodged within 12 months of settlement or completion of construction.
Important notes
The date the grant is paid depends on whether you are building or buying. It also depends on whether you are applying through an approved agent or us.
If your circumstances change at any time during the stated 12 months of PPR occupancy making you unable to meet the residency requirements, you must notify us in writing within 14 days of the change.
Please note that if we determine you are ineligible for the FHOG, but you believe you are eligible, you can contact us to seek further review of your application.
Empire Property Investors have assisted thousands of clients to use property as a vehicle to create substantial wealth. Insightful well-managed property investment provides ongoing income, capital growth and tax advantages.
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